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Baby, don't say goodbye.

about me.
Hi. Christine. 18 and Happy. Makati Science High School Alumnus. Currently a Miriam College student.
MIRIAM COLLEGE PEP SQUAD. Dancing can reveal all the mystery that music conceals.
I have high expectations. I am A LIMITED EDITION. I have dreams, A LOT.

April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 June 2011

Sunday, June 12, 2011 { Sunday, June 12, 2011 }

COMPLAIN. http://formspring.me/teentheluzer

Friday, June 10, 2011 { Friday, June 10, 2011 }

i desperately want to remove these vibes off right now.

Thursday, June 9, 2011 { Thursday, June 09, 2011 }


{ Thursday, June 09, 2011 }

I'll give you space if you wish, if that's the only way we can bring it back to how we were before. When you were at your sweetest, when you can't even exit my my home's gate coz you'll miss me a lot. When we spend almost above 12 hours together each day doing crazy things together. When we had the time without restrictions. And maybe I am not the only one who has changed. Maybe this time I will learn how to say how I really feel without the fear of you leaving me. We need each other and we know that, I understand you. I always try to. I know what youre going through and that is why I cant demand you of your time. I know youre working on it, I know youre trying. Trust me, I know. I just miss you a lot. Thats it. I miss the old us. When I would kiss you and you wont move your head away. When you would really care so much. Why. Why. What happened. :| Lets bring it back. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011 { Wednesday, June 08, 2011 }

I HAVE JUST SURVIVED MY FIRST DAY. I woke up with a really sad perception regarding how i would handle this particular situation I cannot manage to be in. I do not plan to write about it but still I have a lot of  thinking to do. What has changed since the past few days when I actually thought I was at my happiest. When it became him and I, I was grateful and I thought I could not be happier but on the downside of it, have I forgotten to breathe a little air and know how other felt when I was really in utter joy? I dont know what is happening. I dont know how to fight. All I know is to accept whats happening and overthink about the possibilities of its aftershock on me. I dont know where to start. I will bring the old me back. I will not try, I will do it. 

On the brighter side, I still got my best bud on my side the whole day without the akwardness on my part.. fine a little awkwardness but I hope to get it over with. I got a little confused regarding my first subject because it was about the research paper when my course is a non-thesis course. REALLY /:( She even waited for the bell to ring before she let us out after 45 minutes of total silence. Whatthehell. She was a new teacher and that explains everything.

I had lunch with the Jophie and Marga at Cafe Azul @ Moro Lorenzo Ateneo. Roast Beef was damn good and a little chat with the best people made it a lot better. The rain just made a little puddle inside my new shoes. Why oh why. Oh yeah. The air broke my umbrella FML.

I have a really great teacher in one of my majors, she's hot and she's a mother. Knowing that she graduated from the same course of the same school im in brightened up my day. I like the way she handled the class and I love her classroom. Ms. Morillo who was my teacher before got a little pissed that Marga and I were late for her class. Stupid vendo machine made us wait for a drink which had no taste and a cup filled with 10% juice and 90% nothing. -_-

Went home with Marga safe and sound through a cab. Rain STOP. Please STOP. 

Wore my varsity jacket today. Made me miss the PEP days. This is sad.

{ Wednesday, June 08, 2011 }

This is really depressing. As far as I can remember these pictures were taken a few months ago in the MPH. I miss the Pep Squad, I miss being a part of it. Today I wore the varsity jacket and everyone was asking me if im still staying in the squad and I cannot even say no because personally I dont want to leave but I have to. I have priorities. Today as well, my prof Miss Morillo was asking me about staying in the squad because after reading my scrapbook that I have submitted last year, she said: "Are you really ready to let go? Because as I can see, you are so attached to it and it has affected you in so many ways. You can at least stay if you can balance it." I dont know. Its bothering me. I need to dance. All I know is that I miss training my heart out, striving hard to learn a stunt, competing for my school's glory but most of all, the friendship and teamwork that I acquired from my teammates. ♥ Goodluck MC PEP. I miss you so much.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011 { Tuesday, June 07, 2011 }

First day and yes i was transferred to the other section for reasons I dont intend to know because I just have to stick with it my whole life. I am hoping for great, and intellectual teachers and JUST an awesome first day,

Dear You, I dont know how to approach you tomorrow. I am just not comfortable to be with you soon. I hope you know what I mean and realize it. Note to self: Do not tell HER why.

{ Tuesday, June 07, 2011 }

6:30 am at Miriam College, 8:30am at Meralco Development Center Antipolo, 2:00pm at Falcon Resort Bulacan, 4:30pm WITH HIM AT LAST :D

It was a really tiring day but it was just as fun as I imagined it. I spent the day with my co-CDEC officers and all of them were of higher batches, what a privilege! Watch out CDE, we're preparing literally A LOT for you guys, hoping for an overnight TBS! UHUH.

Pat and I did their letter of section transfer request and had to put a lot of talkshit in it. Still, his feet are swollen. I hope he gets well really soon and may he be able to enroll before he goes to BORACAY
without me -_- But it was really sweet of him to be worried on how I would go home a while ago so he went to my school just to drive me home, uhuh, the sweetest. How lucky am I. :") 

I called demi, she's the jock of mellow94.7 right ... well at least NOW. =)) and Pat was so mad that I might have mentioned his full name on national radio. He went hysterical about it. Haha. BTW demi, Im so proud of you. 


Monday, June 6, 2011 { Monday, June 06, 2011 }

I am too afraid to talk to you, to call you nor even send you a message but this is a proof that I have greeted you and it is here because of my utmost sincerity of greeting you so,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD! Have a good one, wherever you are, how ever you may be, I hope you're happy. Don't worry about me, im fine. I hope I get the chance to be able to share how great my life is and how mom brought me up in the best way she could. Have a great life, I am always praying for you.
Im wishing you all the best, take care and enjoy your special day. :D


P.s. I know how cool it is, so i am informing you that the photo of myself in this entry was a photo taken during my 18th birthday, Happy Birthday again <3

{ Monday, June 06, 2011 }

The day before my school officially starts is the day i still serve for my org. What, is this being a nerd or something? For the past few days, i've been spending the last day of my summer vacation going to school and having this meeting with my co-officers and now im about to leave for an ocular for our upcoming team building seminar. School has not yet started and im getting this busy OHMYGOD. It cant be. I have to update this blog, my planner and have so much time for my boyfriend. OH YES. So help me God.

This 2 day updated blog was supposed to be a surprise. WHY DID YOU READ THIS PATRICK LUZ? I tried my best to hide it from you. Haha. I love you forever. <3

{ Monday, June 06, 2011 }

This is for you Babe. <3 I love you for being YOU. Thanks for being a superhuman.

{ Monday, June 06, 2011 }

NYAHAHA KIDDING. Okay fine. I've decided to write about heartaches.
C'mon guys, seriously? Are you really gonna open this thing up again?

I dont even know why im writing about this. Anyway, I have two friends, they're a couple.They are both close to me but I may consider the guy closer in some way. I do not wanna talk about it. For a really long time they were together like a normal couple, they were crazy about each other. They had different personalities, the guy was really sweet (trust me I know) he was funny, artistic in his own ways. He can be the friendliest guy you could ever meet but sometimes the one with the craziest ideas on his head. The girl was of course very pretty, she was loved by many not because she was the glam and gorgeous type, but she was they girl who would wear a shirt and end it with sneaks, boyish in some way, this rockstar was smart and really mysterious inside and out. Honestly at first, I must admit, I was not a fan of their relationship since my bestfriend was the (OKAY I SAID I DDNT WANNA TALK ABOUT THE PAST) anyway, I didn't know whether to support them or not. The guy was really close to me, he would tell me his heartaches, or his small efforts that made his girl the happiest. She had a strict mom but that did not hinder the guy from exerting too much effort to make her feel loved. They loved each other from the end of our high school to the start of our college experience. I do not know whether it was time or distance that kept them apart, I dont know whatever happened. I do not intend to know. But what's making me sad is that they are both longing for someone to hold on to after a strange breakup. The girl longed for someone to love to forget, and the guy could have literally killed himself after what happened. The guy always text me that he was miserable, he cries, he misses her so much but he was depressed enough not to prove himself anymore because whatever it is, they thought its just not gonna work anymore.

Why did i write about this?
Letting go and moving on is not easy. Damn right it would take you months to forget and a lot of tears to regret. Looking for someone is not worth it, its like pouring out all the pain, trying to be happy, yet hurting the new person because you cannot admit that you might still miss him or worst case scenario, confused and want to have him back but youre eating all your pride coz you cannot have him back anymore. ON the other hand, you should not stick yourself to the idea that youre heartbroken as if the whole world is on your shoulder.. Stand up, move on. Be busy with whatever and start living the life, hey, if you find the right guy, its never easy to experience the joy of being happily single ever again! Lets be positive about this, maybe God knows and God had the plans. For my case, I believe that I was not given the right guy when I was concentrating on fighting against peer pressure and the pep squad asdfghjkl;, what brought me there? My like for a girl who had so much talent. What made me quit? CONTENTMENT of having someone to spend all my extra time with and having other priorities.

Lets all be happy with how things are right now. Lets not look for the people. ACCIDENTS come and go, who knows.. tomorrow, the next day or even yesterday.. you have met the right guy already. <3

I really hope both of my friends live the life they always wanted, if they want a new relationship, may they be patient enough, if they wanna get back together, may they find the right time. Coz who knows, Fate will always be there and LOVE will always find a way. If its MEANT TO BE, ITS GONNA HAPPEN.

My brain's randomness.

{ Monday, June 06, 2011 }

First of all, this is a reply post to my fififo: Carissa Punsalan.
I was once in that situation. When I felt like the whole world hated me and im stuck in front of the computer, waiting for Patrick to tell me that he friggin likes me back. Its like im going gaga over him chatting with him until what.. 4 or sometimes 7am in the morning. Well it was cool talking to him but the feeling when he didn't get it, that I already liked him really sucked so friggin bad. -_-

BUT BUT BUT. It didn't end there. Just when I was about to give up, he was there to like me back. Who knows destiny. We just had to meet each other by fate in long and strange road of the drunkards: Katipunan in the afternoon of December 8. Fate brought me there. Just when I was about to really go crazy towards a girl. Yes a girl. I would always post in my tumblr account: LETS ALL MOVE ON AND BE FCCKING BISEXUALS. Nuh uh. Never. Waiting is hard, but the sudden emotional closure from someone whom you actually thought you never had a chance with is... (i cant think of a word) for me its magical. FATE brought us there.

Dont think of it too much. Dont dress pretty nor put make up or start being NOT YOUR TRUE self. Start being amazing and flaunting what your momma gave you. YOUR BEAUTY AND YOUR BRAINS. Whatever it is, Dont ponder on that thought and look for the Patrick of your life. Maybe you'll meet him in the strangest places, on the unexpected times. Like I did, I met him at this art exhibit.. at the evening of.. guess what, HIS 18th Birthday. How cool can that be.

Im here for you FIFIFOFRUNGNGI. (okay that was random)
Lezz have lunch at Katip anytime. HAVRIYOU

{ Monday, June 06, 2011 }

Pat surprised me just now, he is injured. He went to school to accomplish things and he was calling me asking why I was texting all these worry texts( i was worried coz he used his dad's lexus) but then a little later he said:

Pat: Umuulan ba jan?
Teen: Oo eh. Bakit? Jan ba?
Pat: Oo din eh.
(beep beep)
Yes. He was outside my house. :")
He never refuses to make me smile through his sudden mini or huge surprises. As he said: Hindi naman ako tumigil na ligawan ka diba? :")

 Just last night, he rushed to my house to get first aid for his twisted ankle. He had to hold on to me and I had to take him inside my house. This happened around 12am and it is just to sweet to get midnight surprises.. seeing him for what, 30 minutes just makes my day. I love him so much. He is just too sweet. <3

He is like a bestfriend to me, a brother, a dad, and the best boyfriend someone could ever have. He loves me even if I am all sticky and my hair is a mess, he makes me clean his nails and his cute nose. HAHA. We're kids, inlove. Nothing would ever change that.
Hi Patootie,

Friday, June 3, 2011 { Friday, June 03, 2011 }

Im on the state of wanting to update this blog.
I just want to start ranting about random things that is happening in my life right now.

Because the last post that I had here was when I was still dreaming that Pat would like me,
and now that we're together, HE DESERVES to be written about. I love him so much.

First entry of 2011. Millions to go.

Friday, November 19, 2010 { Friday, November 19, 2010 }

2 am in the morning. HAPPINESS.
If its meant to be, it will happen. No matter how long it takes. Smile the pain away. ♥

I havent been blogging for centuries. Im preoccupied by too much body pain, decision-making disasters and breath-taking experiences within these past few days. whew. this is how i look now. kaybye whatever. Please give me time to be able to blog properly. AGAIN.

Saturday, November 6, 2010 { Saturday, November 06, 2010 }

new hair, new look, SAME OLD ME.
happy and contented. 

Thanks to Jophie for convincing me.

dear bangs, do not give me pimples.
please dont disturb me while im dancing. 

{ Saturday, November 06, 2010 }

Yanna's 18th was totally awesome! I did not even expect that the RB was gonna be 'almost' complete. Marla sure had a great time in London so yeah. I feel so guilty that we weren't able to go to Marla's debut, we had some emergencies. (GUILTY FOREVER AND EVER) I love you marla, we'll make it up to you.

Gabi, Bea, Reggie, Jophie and I were one of the 18 shots and we had to drink the shots from a test tube! AWESOME. We even guessed on how yanna would do her entrance, what she would wear and how the party flow would be knowing her favorites and all, OH WELL we scored a 90%! From boots, to curly hair, to dancing entrances, to shiny leggings and even the food, WE SCORED IT ALL RIGHT! :) (well amost!)


I admire Yanna for her confidence. She's actually a rising star now and SHE COULD SING. Oh my gosh, ive known her since i was a kid and all I know was that she dances so well, but not sing that much.. though I expected that a bit since her mom was a singer. OMG YOURE LEGAL NOW YANNA! o_o =))

My favorite part was the dancing. :"> IT WAS AWESOME (period) DANCE DANCE LIKE ITS THE LAST NIGHT OF YOUR LIFE~~ Bea thought she saw a ghost. BUT IT WAS ONLY THE FOG MACHINE. HAHAHA. =)) there are really good dancers on the dance floor that night but the 5 of us would just have our own circle and SWAGGA LIKE THAT! on slow songs we did some ballet shizzits.

I miss these people. TRUE people that i spend my best moments with. :">
i miss ballet but my ballet career isnt complete without them. :)

That night was... ASDFGHJKL:;.

I love you RB. :)

Thursday, November 4, 2010 { Thursday, November 04, 2010 }

First Day DRAMA. Everyone gets through this right? RIGHT?
So I woke up at 7 freakin am.. (my class was at 7:30) I swear I could kill myself at that moment. So I rushed to the car and praying that I wont be late, I dont want that bad tardy image of me. Damn it, why cant i just go back the usual 9am schedule. :( So I was at Katipunan already when this car accident blocked my way. If I had special powers, id really let our car fly, SERIOUSLY.

So I ran to my classroom as quick as I could. I saw the people through the first door and I was shocked to actually see strange faces. I expected my old blockmates to be there, but there was none. So I texted Autumn and she replied to me, Im here, COME INSIDE. And so I did. As I entered the room, I maintained my jolly attitude and said OHMYGOSH I THOUGHT I WAS GONNA BE LATE  BLAH and everyone was staring at me. Okay that was embarassing. I dont know what in the gay hell (i miss maan, i see this term a lot so yeah im using it and im sourcing her so that i dont get sued for plagiarism) happened to our block which was supposed to be cut in FREAKING HALF. It was cut like 3/4's and i belonged to the 1/4. DAMN IT. But looking at the bright side.. AT LEAST I STILL HAVE AUTUMN.. actually, wherever I'll be. if autumn's not gonna be there then NEVERMIND.

Teen: Sorry Autumn if we did not request then you should have been with them...
autumn: ANO KA BA. I would not trade you for them. :"> :">

were meant to be, PH baby. :">

MC102 class. GETTING TO KNOW YOU STAGE USING FREAKING SOCIAL ISSUES AND CURRENT EVENTS. WHATTHEHELL. o_O Good thing I met new people like Ana, Pia, Cham, Sha and blah. basta them. =)) I saw TAN! OMG I LOVE HER HAIR :"> :"> she looked like jayden smith only a lot lot lot TALLER :))) whip yo hair back and forth :)))))

HI ATE ALANNA J! :) Okay I just wanted to shout out. :D (thats autumn's awesome sister) 

HUMANITIESSSSS was one of the best, OKAY SO WE HAD STRANGER CLASSMATES PA RIN SO WHATEVER. So Humanities was about arts and all that but we had this really loquacious teacher who is sooooo funny. She's actually a bit old.. uhm okay. Fine she's old. She was like.. tell me if I have to speak in ENGALOG. =))) WTH ENGALOG. =))) (the new taglish) =))))) She was like, Im Dr. ______ at your service. (WAITER? WAITER? ) HAHAHA. okay. She is so funny. I love her. She even said.. ACTUALLY SHY AKO. (okay shy na siya nun ehh) But okay im scared of painting projects, I dont know howwwww :( we were asked about famous artists and so I said TONY FABELLA. (RIP) i miss him. :D

Autumn and I went to check out the new starbucks planner, were planning to get one together. I got this Raspberry Currant Drink and Autumn got a caramel frappe. :"> we had so much kwentos. I missed her so much. :D :) we even got free "shots" of praline mocha, theyre new frappe. YUMMM :)

AND FINALLY THE BEST CLASS, (I GOT TO BE WITH MY LOVELY BLOCKMATES BEFORE, REUNIOOOOOON! ) ako na ang mababaw. :( So yeah it was ed tech class. DEFINE 3 HOURS of pure COLDNESS and computers in front of you, HEAVEN! (okay sorry na palagi kaming MMJ rooms e. LOVE ITTTTTTTTTTTT :"> :) haha. PLUS getting to sit beside my girls, MARGARET GOMEZZZZZZ (finally got to be her classmate) and Isa :D a new friend. :) Awesome irregular students, you rock. :D :) I love the subject and that thingy website blah.

Went home at around 6pm because I had this HEART TO HEART talk with coach for like 2 hours or so? :) 
YES I WILL STAY IN PEP, and coach, IF YOU PUT ME INTO TEAM A, I WOULD WORK MY ASS OF FOR IT. :"> I promise. :) It will be worth it. I will change. :D

Tuesday, November 2, 2010 { Tuesday, November 02, 2010 }

Stop Fishing.
If its meant to be, It will happen.
You give me a feeling that I never felt before. 
It's becoming something that's impossible to ignore.

deep and midnight conversations with you.
THE DAY I FORGOT TO SLEEP: 27th of October 2010.

Working on pep ballers. 

{ Tuesday, November 02, 2010 }

I did not know what sembreak really meant until this week came in. Last Friday, I was able to meet my lifetime bestfriends. I sleptover at Jophie's for like 3 nights and she slept at mine's for a day.  We also had Marla with us and we had loads of stories to tell. I was so glad that I had time to bond with my girls. We did not need to be in a fancy restaurant nor be dressed up extravagantly, all we needed was a quiet room and the three of us together. Ears for listening, eyes to see each other, mouth to tell stories and arms to give a comforting hug to someone. We all have problems, dilemmas and achievements as well. I guess that night was not even enough. :| I miss being with the whole RB, monopoly nights, "I have never" games, LOTS OF PICTURES and just the feeling of having real  friends even if most of us have quitted the genre that put us together, BALLET. It will, of course stay in our hearts forever. :"> :) (drama.) 

Im so proud of Marla for being a part of CADS. Both Jazz and Street. I mean wow, she is superwoman. Im so happy for her. Im proud of Jophie as well, she nailed her recent dance sport @ pe class competition. I came into a realization that dancing will always and forever will be in our hearts. I concentrated into cheerleading. Its amazing that we get to dance different genres now and still get to hang out like the old times. Im hoping for it to happen again and more often. 

I was able to have that "sink"  moment with Jophie. we had so much to tell while I did her nails. I discovered that nail art could be a lot easier with permanent colored markers! I did her nails with a fancy rainbow and a heart. I did zebra stripes in mine. oh well. :) We went to tita Chona that day. I had a tarot card reading session with her. To sum it up, she said mom is safe, I will have a great boyfriend soon and I shall stick to my course and follow mom at all times. She even told Jophie that I was a good kid, a great friend and well, her awesome sister unlike.. whoops. :O We ate at Kuretake. Awesome awesome food as always. 

I am so glad that twister fries is back. I LOVE IT. SO MUCH. (made me hungry as hell.) 

On our third day together, we woke up late and ended up fixing my stupid cellphone charger applying whatever I learned in my physics class in High School. We were like: "so this wire goes here.. or not. or lets try it this way.." Blah. We fixed it anyway with a little tape and a hairpin. Because were cool like that. 
We watched Date Night. Oh what an awesome movie, lesson learned: dont take any other person's reservation, bitch. haha, We played some rockband. i played as the drummer: FAIL. I tried the lead singer part: I kinda did well on that lovestory song. I also tried to be the guitarist.. it was okay. lala. We heared mass at rockwell. I LOVE THAT PLACE. I missed it. Damn it why do I have to live in Quezon City. :( WE had dinner at Burgoo and watched this insanely boring EAT PRAY LOVE movie. okay it was inspiring but it was too long? or not? :D I dont know,. Whatever. :))

25th of october was an awesome day. We went to this awesome place in cubao where vintage stuff are sold and got some cool stuff. I wanna go there again! :) We had an unplanned hangout since we did not really have a plan whatever. We had some FRUTTI FROYO (now open in trinoma, okay you frutti froyo owner. PAY ME FOR FREE ADVERTISEMENT) and twister fries (HOLY HOLY HOLY)  Top needed green pants to complete his Robin get up for this halloween party, and so we were able to find one, HOORAY! It was a rainy night but we had a little chat with mom and some stalking on facebook. Awesome night. :)

awesome 4 nights of my life. :")
i love you jophie and mar. :)
top and tom,  you are the awesomest kids ever. ;)
top, take care of joph. we both love her so much. :)

FINALLY had this in together again. :"> :)

Thursday, October 21, 2010 { Thursday, October 21, 2010 }

Training is still and forever will be the most intense thing in the world. I dont like it when im forced to dance the same old thing over and over again. I dont like dancing a genre that I do not appreciate. I am sorry. :| I thought the whole pep thing was pure cheerleading and all. Oh well, who's versatile now. >:) I miss ballet so badly. I miss bar warm ups and center adagios. I miss having a hard time putting on those tights and looking really thin and curvey on those fancy leotards. I miss feeling the pain on my toes, I miss teacher perry. I miss the really clean studio and the huge mirrors. I miss classical music. I miss dancing MY genre. 

oh lord help me have perfect straddles and tucks on air. I wanna jump up and down the trampoline again. I get so frustrated everytime I keep on doing the wrong thing. HEIGHT on air, ABSORB, RELOAD. Oh damn it, I feel so shy around my "ate's" who lift me and throw me up there. I wanna do my freakin best. Our team is HELLA COMPETITIVE YEAH. >:) Thanks ate Sol, Ate Gulma, Ate Fiona, Ate Zu for always being there to catch me when i fall, to carry me up there and to undersatand and forgive me for my mistakes. I love you. >:D< I promise to focus and think of the right ways to make that stunt perfect. AND YES, WE CAN DO IT. We are powerhouse. GIRL LIFTERS? HELLYEAZZ. Coz were cool like that. Lord, help us make perfect pyramids and awesome ones. NO INJURIES, NO PAIN, PURE HARDWORK AND POISE UP THERE. Please guide pep always. NO MORE SICK DAYS. I BELIEVE. LETS GO MC PEP, MC PRIDE.

I wanna post this from ate gulma's fb notes. (originally from tumblr)


The happiest, sexiest, greatest group of athletes in the world.Will do anything just to take home that gold.We are the soul of the universe.We put on the shoes, tape up the wrists, put on the colours, and walk onto the mat like nothing else matters.It doesn’t matter that you failed a test, your guy/girl is being a ****, or that you got a ticket on the way there… your world is absolutely perfect for the next couple hours.

Here’s to the sweat, tears, strength, emotions, spandex, sports bras, broken bones, pulled muscles, bloomies, the parents, the friendships, the fights, hairspray, curling irons, ribbions, team colours, libs, fulls, scorps, doubes, tumbling, dancing, the yelling, the pressure, the stress, the excitement, the road trips, the coaches, the let downs, the miracles—and most of all, the sport of cheerleading.

Why do we practice so hard night after night?

Running a rountine over and over till we throw up.Putting a stunt up so many times your legs startto feel like jelly and you don’t think you can do it onemore time.Late nights, early mornings, weekend roadtrips, missing the parties,Broken bones, torn muscles and deep bruises.
We cheer through it. We smile through it.

Because we live off our adrenaline, because the competitions free our spirit, because the after parties are second to none, because each and every cheerleader is invincible after stepping onto the floor, because one good stunt can make you smile all night, landing those tucks, staying tight, pushing everything full out, and making facials while doing it. Running a 2.5 minute routine, pushing so hard, making it look easy, breathing hard, but loving every minute. Our music is a rhythm to live by, because its possible to dance hard enough to leave all your worries behind. Sweat is the perfume of our accomplishment.

Highschool, Allstar, College, University, Pro…

It’s not for money, it’s not for the weak, and it’s not for fame.
We cheer…
because we  LOVE IT.

I believe it. I hope you do too.

{ Thursday, October 21, 2010 }

i THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND. I've been very supportive to you this sem, not only as a friend but as a sister who would be there for you no matter what. We've talked endlessly on the phone about random stuff and I was always there to listen to you. I have always understood your mind-boggling atttitude. I get hurt at times but I just let it pass. AND THATS BECAUSE YOU ARE MY FRIEND. I dont want to hate you but i guess ive had enough. 

YOU DONT HAVE TO TELL ME TO GROW UP BECAUSE I AM OLDER THAN YOU. You may be mature, you may have vices but dude, that does not make you cool. You need real friends, and yes, I CAN BE ONE OF THEM. But  you hurt my feelings. You made me feel like I am an immature kid wasting her time and life in a vast day care center. Sorry for being such a kid. YES, maybe I am stuck in my childhood but who cares, I enjoy my life anyway. At least people are true to me, they dont just let things pass.

" because the only reason she's picking on you is too boost her own self-esteem knowing that people around her seem to be fake because of the annoying personality she has. She likes to act tough but once you break her, she'll realize she was wrong." -someone.

YES, you were cool back in highschool. THIS IS COLLEGE, (that's what you told me.) you just have to accept that you are just an average kid right now. 

"youre oversensitive. this is college. not a friggin day care center. grow a thick skin."


Wednesday, October 20, 2010 { Wednesday, October 20, 2010 }

tumblr has that effect on me :|

You know that feeling? When you're just waiting. Waiting to get home, into your room, close the door, fall into bed, and just let everything out that you kept in all day. That feeling of both relief and desperation. Nothing is wrong. But nothing is right either. And you're tired. Tired of everything, tired of nothing. And you just want someone to be there and tell you it's okay. But no one's going to be there. And you know you have to be strong for yourself, because no one can fix you. But you're tired of waiting. Tired of having to be the one to fix yourself and everyone else. Tired of being strong. And for once, you just want it to be easy. To be simple. To be helped. To be saved. But you know you won't be. But you're still hoping. And you're still wishing. And you're still staying strong and fighting, with tears in your eyes. You're fighting.

He broke up with you, right? After telling you he loved you and calling you pet names like baby and cutie? Yeah, I know he lavished you in compliments, only to put himself down so you would stroke his fake low ego. Did he tell you that you were beautiful? I bet he promised you a personalized song. Or maybe he’d always mention how he was lying in bed and wished you were there. He dragged “I love you” out of you, didn’t he? Yeah, don’t deny it. He would talk to you last thing at night and first thing in the morning. He constantly mentioned losing sleep over you, every night, but we both know he slept like a rock. He made you love pictures that were just sort of “bleh” before. Did you delete those pictures after he broke your heart? Yeah, me too. All of your friends hate him now, don’t they? Remember how happy they were for you? They warned you. Just remember, it’s okay to cry. And referring to him as “asshole” is perfectly expected. Because, trust me, you’ll end up talking about him just as often, if not more, than before the break up. There will be the “one time”s and the “I remember”s, and once you think you’re over him, watch out. You better keep your eyes closed in the hallways, because I promise you, the next time you see him, he’ll be all over some other girl. A little part of you will want to warn her, but nobody will blame you for hating her and for blaming her for your pain. Yeah, you’ll compare all guys to him, because aside from the man-whorish, heart-breaker thing, he was perfect. He was everything you had ever wanted. Or maybe you made that up. Maybe, the second he started to show interest, you made up this perfect guy in your head, and he just happened to be just like him. Listen, you will find the perfect guy for you just like everybody says you will, and it will be soon. Okay, so I didn’t believe it either, but I’m starting to.The most important thing though is don’t let him know he hurt you. Don’t let him know he could have you back in a heartbeat. Don’t give him that satisfaction. Make him think you’re completely happy. When he decides to wave at you like nothing ever happened, wave back, sure. But don’t smile. Make him think he meant as little to you, as you obviously meant to him.

Saturday, October 16, 2010 { Saturday, October 16, 2010 }

"Buti pa ang mga unplanned night outs natutuloy." -IRISH

OCTOBER152010! I was rushing to school because I was late. NO one would bring me to school so I had to go alone. I guess I was still so sleepy that I rode the UP IKOT instead of UP Katipunan jeepney. DAMMIT. I was like, "BAKIT PAIKOT IKOT LANG ITO, HINDI LUMALABAS NG UP!"kay. WRONG JEEP. :| So as I entered the court, coach goes, LATE KA NG 4 MINUTES. (lahat ng dugo ko umakyat sa ulo ko) Double rounds of jogging, double number of situps, push ups and everything.) Looking on the bright side of it, THE MORE YOU TRAIN, THE HOTTER YOU GET. Right IRISH? :)) 

People cried, people smiled. GRADES GRADES GRADES, mas malupit ka pa sa halloween monsters kung manakot. So yeah, I called mom and started crying and saying sorry for I was not DL, Then mom said, Anak kung nalulungkot ka mag Katip ka na lang muna. YES COOL SI MOMMY. :) My pepmates were like, sana I had your mom. :)) But I did not go to katip, Irish and I planned to eat out in Eastwood and we brought BUBU along. We ate and ate and ate. PIGOUT. K.thanks. irish had awesome brothers. One of them, Kyle, really looked exactly like Irish but shorter hair. WHUTTTTT. :| I hope I had brothers, cute ones. :)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAIRA! :) So yeah, we werent really expecting to see my blockmates, but we did. :) Eventually, we had to take care of little AIKA who was tipsy and crazy that time. I was like, AIKA F KA SA MATH. and she goes, OH TALAGA? FUCK THAT. K. She's CRAZY. 

Buan: aika suntukin mo yung puno. 
(she started punching it)
Aika: yoko nga ang panget nyan! =))))
K. :))))
happy Anniv Clem and Daughn. Sorry I couldnt come. Next time ;)
Teen: Aika single ako.

The hangout ended up in irish's condo. WHY DO THESE two make me laugh and fun EFFORTLESSLY?  Thanks you too. :) It means a lot to me. Lezzzz do it again. :) Buan's tummy is a cute little thingamabob. All we needed to have fun was a pink room, irish's gayness, soft pillows, a dark ambiance and a full stomach. YEAH. I love you both. :*

{ Saturday, October 16, 2010 }

so yeah. FIRST SEM, i rocked you but not too much to get me into DL. :) Im done ranting and complaining, IM CONTENTED, OH YES :)

October 15, 2010 12am, Stupid Soars WONT OPEN. I was sooo anxious to know that I refreshed a zillion tmes just to wait for it to appear. WELL IT DIDNT. I had to wait til tomorrow. So yeah. I WAS FOUR MINUTES late for training and right after stretching, I rushed to laptop of my pepmate and got to see my grades. I did not know what to feel. Of course for once, I was happy. (walang F eh.) Then I scrolled down, I saw my CQPA. 4.0250. WHY OH WHY. I just lacked 0.275 to get in the dean's list. I wanted to prove something to my mom. Of course after 4 years of being in maksci, she did not pay a big amount for my tuition fee. And now she has to pay at least 50K per semester. For a single mom, it is not that easy. I wanna prove to mom that I can show her that im not dumb, and that I can balance time for my studies and time for PEP. :">  I get sad when sometimes she tells me to quit just because I go home late all the time because of training. But I was so glad when she was there to cheer for me during the cheerdance compet of the freshmen. SHE WAS CHEERING MY NAME OUT LOUD. :"> Oh I love you mommmy. :) :D I hope she would never make me stop dancing and training for pep, it is a major thing that makes me wanna stay in MC for good. :)

History depressed me. That was my favorite subject since forever. I would not blame my prof because she is ONE HELLA GREAT PERSON. Its just that I expected this because I dont get to study for her exams since I get home at 9 or 10pm because of training. Sometimes I just forget that I have a quiz, it is my first subject. I AM FRUSTRATED. I should have done well. OH WELL. 3.5 aint bad. NOT AT ALL. :)

Psych. I DONT GET IT. I did not really enjoy it. TERMS are TERMS. TOO MUCH. The kind of science that I want is somewhere around BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY.. like that. but psych. NOOOOO. :|


to sum it all up.. I AM CONTENTED.

0.275, FCKYOU.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010 { Wednesday, October 13, 2010 }

im your number one fan, 
Hi Autumn. :) I wish I had your voice but you know, I dont regret having my ugly voice because it is the same voice that I used when I first talked to you. AND THAT MADE ALL THE DIFFERENCE ♥ Im so proud of you as a friend and IM FALLING IN LOVE WITH YOUR VOICE :") Thanks for dedicating the song BREAKEVEN to me, (its was surely my 1 month LSS) GOSH! :) I am so happy that I did not just survive my first sem with you, but we remained PH forever. :"> :) Even if we dont go DL, its fine. I surely enjoyed my first sem and you are a big part of it. :) Thank you so much. I am praying everyday that we still remain blockmates so we can still be PH. :) >:D< You are one of the most influential people in my life and I adore you for always standing for what you want and always remembering that GOD loves US. :"> :) You are my inspiration. I know I always get that PISSED-AT-EVERYONE syndrome and I shout at you a lot, IM SO SORRY, i hope you understand. Autumn, I do not regret promoting you and telling the people to vote for you rather than to vote for me for class rep, YOU SURELY DID A GOOD JOB. :"> i am so proud of you. RADIO MC was what we wanted but maybe GLEE CLUB IS BETTER FOR YOU. I wanna see you showcase your talent. I wanna support you the way you support me. :"> :) FOR REAL, so please CONSIDER THIS. :"> Im sure KC will be there to guide you. :) :) I love you. :) 


I love you and lastly, I AM YOUR BIGGEST FAN ♥

{ Wednesday, October 13, 2010 }

After 5 PEP TRAINING-LESS days, here we go again.
What a WELCOME BACK GIFT of 15 rounds of jogging around the field, 100 situps, 100 v-ups, 100 push-ups, 60-second handstands, handstand walks, 5 minute SPLIT on both sides, l-kicks, elbow kicks, brige stays, and THE KILLER: MINUTES OF STRADDLE OVERS. :| :( and many many more. DEFINE HELL :|

I felt sad for my  pepmates who just recently got their BELLYRINGS (wow i want one but i have a really strict mom and besides i wont be able to handle the pain so NEVERMIND) because we had banana swings and their navels were squished like lemons for a glass of lemonade. :| DAMN IT. :| Coach mad eus do it for so many times like a hundred or more. I always count one to one hundred during training. I REALIZED, JUST NOW. TEEHEE :)) 

There are so many UNFINISHED dances, its getting hard to memorize the steps. Anyway, no pressure at all. Its just that my enemy is the tiring MOMENTS, THE UNBEARABLE PAIN and the never ending SWEAT DROPS. :( and not even an HOUR break,  just 45 mins or sometimes LESS. :|

Sometimes I just ask myself.. WHY AM I STILL DOING THIS? When I can say.. I QUIT I QUIT. NO. QUITTING WILL NOT DO ANYTHING GOOD TO ME. Will I just throw away the numerous hours of PAIN for time to rest? My friends support me and im doing this not only for my squad, not only for my school, not only for mom and my friends but for myself. TO FILL IN MY NEEDS OF DANCING BECAUSE THIS KEEPS ME ALIVE. DANCING IS A PART OF MY SYSTEM, YOU CANNOT TAKE IT AWAY FROM ME. :"> THIS IS WHAT I DID IN EXCHANGE OF BALLET. and I will make it worth it.

I miss my lifters. I miss being able to fly, toss and everything. Everytime our flyers would show fear, I would say to myself, I would just straighten my legs if I were them. I miss flying and smiling. I hope ate sol and ate zooey trains again. 


Monday, October 11, 2010 { Monday, October 11, 2010 }

I do not normally do these things and I know my BIFFF maan FURIO will be so PROUD OF ME.
\:D/ I MISS THAT KID. :| A LOT. we've both been busy and I HAVENT SEEN HER IN MONTHS. :(
FROM HAPPENING. I wish you well.